15 September 2012

how to crack enigma2 plugins and bypass TPM checks

more information about TPM : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trusted_Platform_Module

first i want you to know that in my opinion whose writing plugins for any manufacturer with TPM check is a pet not a developer

in this tutorial i wanna crack EM2012 0.4 plugin for dreambox so anybody could use it on vuplus , xtrend , azbox , gigablue , unibox , ... too

this tutorial is an example and for other plugins you have to find a similar way

do i have to tell that you need python skills ?!

extract your desired ipk file with 7-Zip : http://www.filehippo.com/download_7zip/

open plugin.py file with Notepad++ : http://www.filehippo.com/download_notepad/

now with Ctrl+F find "def Plugins"

as you can see plugin will load "main" after run so find "def main"

as you can see there is a "if else" with a check

[CODE]if checkDream():
print "starte"
session.openWithCallback(closen, enm2012, plugin_path)[/CODE]

in this part it will check your stb and in the next part

session.open(MessageBox, "No Orginal Dreambox - No Support", type = MessageBox.TYPE_INFO,timeout = 20 )[/CODE]

you can see the message for other boxes

so you just need the bold part

that's all , cracked ! but let's delete some crap

remember the "checkDream" ? so find "def checkDream"

remove all of them and but what about "validate_cert" and other parts ?

remove them all too

now you're done , save it with Notepad++

enjoy cracked plugins

i did attach original ipk with cracked py file too

publish this tutorial wherever you want

ipk and cracked py file : http://hotfile.com/dl/172245534/54a4086/ipkem.zip.html